Title: Flat-mates (working title)
Director: Darren Martin
Certificate: TBC
Run Time: Approx. 10 minutes
Produced by: Dazatron Films
Plot: "Two lifelong friends live together in a flat in the city. They've known each other since they were kids. Friend groups, work, interests and other influences put these flatmates' true friendship to the test. With one noticing change more in the other, will his attempt to help him prove a bad idea? Is Change Good? Follow the story of how even the best of friends can be influenced to change, resulting in testing and emotional circumstances."
Notes: This short film will be heavily performance driven, capturing the true effects that change can have on a friendship built over years of thinking they truly 'know' one another. Predominant Location will be the flat, each with a room offering an escape and an added depth to each ones 'true' personality. Uncovering their true personalities will be an underlying subject which will capture the audiences emotions swaying their sympathies backwards and forwards. A theme in which young people have to go through all the time; friends changing and no longer being 'friends'. Everyone has felt it in some form or another and this film will contribute and play on those emotional thoughts that can affect friendship dramatically.
More information to follow.
Title Info: Flat-Mates, yes means sharing a flat with someone. But, also emphasising and defining 'flat' in front of 'mates' can add more to the title. Change. Their friendship is flat. 'Lacking interest or emotion'. This gives the title dual meaning but at first glance purely is read as flatmates. It's not until you get the gist of the film in which flat-mates starts to capture attention and hidden meaning.
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