Monday, 31 January 2011


I'm now on Twitter with Dazatron Films too!

Friday, 14 January 2011

Darren Martin - Filmmaker

This is a link to view my Other Cinema Personal Film!

The Other Cinema Screening

Over the last two days, in the huge lecture theatre the entire year group watched 72 films. Everyone was given feedback sheets to fill in after watching each film, whilst comments and questions were given to the filmmaker who stood up at the front.

There was a lucky dip procedure in which Claire Barwell, the head of Film Production would pick a DVD out of a pile and we'd play it. Not knowing when my film was going to be shown was quite nerve racking. Even more so, due to some of the films on display; some really deep, meaningful stuff on show. This was the first time i'd seen anyone's raw filmmaking in the class and I was really interested to see what the class had to offer.

Some filled me with confidence, whereas others got me thinking whether i'd done it right. Either way, I just wanted mine to be shown!

We watched about 16 or 17 films then it was Lunch.

After lunch we watched, THE most EXPERIMENTAL film EVER, featuring video distortion effects and crazy sound. I was thinking, well mine is probably the most UNexperimental... I sure hope mine doesn't follow that!

Lucky Dip... A nice looking white DVD case was pulled out of the pile... That one is mine! No one else had done a cover, just handed in discs! I knew it was mine, my name was called up and I semi-confidently walked down.

The menu came up, Simon pressed play and I sat down on the stairs at an acute angle so I could barely see the screen. The titles started and I began to feel confident as I watched people look intrigued, as of course, this was the first time any of the class had seen my work.

If no one had laughed, I would have been upset and disappointed. It is a Comedy film expressing my view on life and filmmaking, to be fun, imaginative and funny.

There it was, as I looked outside to the snow meaning I couldn't do my film anymore, the first laugh from the audience. I was happy. It happened again during the conversation with myself and my dad, then again when I went and filmed the dog. The laughs were getting bigger and I was starting to enjoy watching it as I was feeling good that i'd made people laugh. The film continued and as I could feel the audience reading "country town invaded by transvestites" then laughing I knew they'd like the next shot. The Tranny made everyone laugh even more, then even more as he eyed up my leg and again when my dad recognised him.

Next up was when I walked out of the bathroom in my swimming shorts and goggles, this got a great laugh, then again with my dad moving the camera out of the way. A slight wince/ laugh when I slipped over then a laugh when I revealed all the snow had gone, before a sarcastic 'happy' ending of credits 'Born with a Smile on my Face' by Stephanie de Sykes got the audience into a almighty roar then a lovely applause followed. I was so happy to see people appreciating me at University. After feeling nothing last year, to finally being recognised and appreciated by these filmmakers that previously knew nothing about me.

I walked on down, with a modest approach I stood up in front of everyone as Simon said "we've created a monster", still not quite sure what he meant by that but oh well. It didn't seem to receive the same comments as other films i'd watched, the general consensus was that people liked it. It was personal to me and everyone could see that. I wanted it to be 'fun and funny' and the audience and the lecturers agreed that I did what I set out to do.

After another round of applause I headed back up to my seat and sat down with a rather large smug grin on my face.

During the afternoon break, I found numerous people i'd never spoken to before coming up to me and saying how much they liked my film! They were saying it was really funny and how well put together it was, I really felt welcomed and happy that they'd taken the time to personally come up to me and comment on my film.

The film was not just about being a personal film. I used this opportunity of screening to the whole year as an advertisement. I knew everyone would be there, I knew they'd all be watching and I knew they'd all remember me if A. I plastered my name all over it, B. was in it so they'd remember my face and C. Make it Funny.
So I didn't just make it because I enjoyed it. I made it as a kind of Advert or Statement of Intent for people to see what i'm about and what I can offer.

I think, from the feedback i've gained, i've done that and hopefully now people will give me more of a chance.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

'Darren Martin - Filmmaker' Movie Stills

Here are some Screenshots taken whilst editing the Movie. They show the main parts of the film... It's been great fun to shoot and edit, I just hope everyone likes it. It's a personal film, so even if no one else likes it, I am Proud of it and enjoy watching it!

The Idea

No Go because of Snow

Surely something can be done indoors?

Ideas Journal

It's a Dogs Life

Filming It's a Dogs Life

Not Filming It's a Dogs Life

"choose your people wisely then"

"it's great we all have a lovely girly time"

scratchy scratchy


i'll go get the stockings from the car, they'll look fabulous on those calves!

no you don't have to!

'we have to get rid of the Tranny'


No, Linda

Fun House Idea

Go Swimming!

Never leave a Camera Unattended



never leave a spillage unattended

who's moved the camera...




awoken from concussion... "I've Got It!"

'I'll grab my Coat'


where'd all the snow go?

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Rough Cut - Slip Sequence - 'Darren Martin - Filmmaker'

Here's a Rough Cut of the Slip Sequence.

It does have sound, however Youtube disabled my soundtrack because it features copyrighted music. This project is allowing us to break traditional laws as it's for university. 

The music is the famous theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey (think of it right at the start, then it stops when my dad starts talking.)

The sound when I slip over is all natural, unfortunately they got rid of it! Watch the finished film for the final outcome!

This rough cuts purpose is to look at the editing and the way in which it all cuts together. Particularly the Slipping Over Part.

Have a watch and feel free to comment!


© Dazatron Films 2011

Shoot Day - Wednesday 5th January

Well, it's just gone 3:24pm

I've just had lunch after a busy morning filming.

I've shot lots of pick up shots for the opening montage in which I clarify that i'm a filmmaker. Various posters of films i've previously done etc. I've also done the titles, a way in which i've not done before, hand written. Give it a personal touch, which this film has so fits in nicely. I've written various typical 'Dazatron Films Presents' 'A Film by Darren Martin' etc around my notice board and have banned and tilted to each one before revealing a big title.

This morning has mainly been about close ups; shooting some nice close ups of the idea journal will go well as cut aways from the wide shots of me flicking through my book. I framed up on the next page before putting the page across it, I then turn the page to reveal something 'interesting'. Lovely.

Tonight, which is looming ever closer is the TRANNY SCENE. This TRANNY SCENE is going to be funny. I've got all afternoon to prepare and rehearse it. It's basically me doing an interview with the TRANNY and it goes horribly wrong, the TRANNY starts asking me questions and it all goes to pot!

My Uncle is going to be the TRANNY, although i've been told that the TRANNY CLUB in Liphook actually meets on Wednesday's!

I've also edited together a rough cut of the final film idea in the film, where I try and film the fish tank and end up on my back. I'm quite happy with it, although 3 Minutes looks a distant figure and we're looking more like a 5 Minute Short. But the amount of trouble i've had with this film, a couple of minutes isn't going to get in my way. I'm saying now, 5 Minutes Maximum. They said the rules are there to be broken! It's a Personal Film, this one is 5 Minutes and very personal so thank you and good afternoon!

Will report back later with how the TRANNY SCENE went, wish me luck!

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Darren Martin - Filmmaker

Some Screenshot/ Teaser Posters I made!

Monday, 3 January 2011

A Dog, A Tranny and A Swimmer

No that's not the title of my new film, but some of the things featuring in it.

The elements this winter have hit me hard, mainly the snow. All my ideas were hampered by the white stuff.

Yet i've kept going. I'm now about to...

Make a film about me making a film and failing.

'I've come up with a brilliant idea that happens outside, then my mum shouts "it's snowing" so i'm depressed. I start flicking through my book for ideas and I try and do one indoors, about my dog. She's not doing anything but sleeping, so this idea fails. I then try and make a film about Liphook, so decide to interview some of the 'interesting' residents. A Tranny, part of the Liphook Transvestite Club (yes it does exist). They turn up and I interview them, he sees me scratch my leg and starts to become suggestive over the idea that I could be a Tranny too! I'm against this idea but my girlfriend thinks it would be funny. Meanwhile my dad is unaware there's a tranny in the house and when he finally meets him he seems to recognise him from school... "Dave?" "no my name is Linda" "no no it's Dave we went to school together!" The Tranny flees.
The next idea involves me trying to make my house fun by swimming in the hall way. The camera is pointing at the fish tank, i'm bored so I wander off. My dad comes downstairs and moves the camera so he can work on the fishtank. He spills some water on the floor. Meanwhile i'm getting a drink in the kitchen. My dad notices the puddle on the floor and goes to get a towel. I come back to discover the camera has been moved, I briskly go to grab the camera but before I can I slip on the puddle of water and go flying, landing on my back. The screen goes fuzzy and starts to spin.

I wake up on the sofa in the lounge. Compose myself then realise I could make a film using the snow! I start singing snow related songs to myself and begin writing in a notebook. I then grab a coat, and a scarf, head to the front door and open it.

From the outside I shout the film "SNOW DAY" only for a quick zoom out to reveal that all the snow has now gone.'

The End.

Dani (girlfriend)

My House - Landing, Bedroom, Kitchen, Utility Room, Lounge, Bathroom, Hallway

Idea Journal
Fishtank Equipment

Tranny Stuff - Wig, Jewellery, Dress
Swimming Stuff - Shorts

Title: Darren Martin - Filmmaker
Approximate Run-Time: 3 Minutes
Certificate: U
Release Date: 2011