Over the last two days, in the huge lecture theatre the entire year group watched 72 films. Everyone was given feedback sheets to fill in after watching each film, whilst comments and questions were given to the filmmaker who stood up at the front.
There was a lucky dip procedure in which Claire Barwell, the head of Film Production would pick a DVD out of a pile and we'd play it. Not knowing when my film was going to be shown was quite nerve racking. Even more so, due to some of the films on display; some really deep, meaningful stuff on show. This was the first time i'd seen anyone's raw filmmaking in the class and I was really interested to see what the class had to offer.
Some filled me with confidence, whereas others got me thinking whether i'd done it right. Either way, I just wanted mine to be shown!
We watched about 16 or 17 films then it was Lunch.
After lunch we watched, THE most EXPERIMENTAL film EVER, featuring video distortion effects and crazy sound. I was thinking, well mine is probably the most UNexperimental... I sure hope mine doesn't follow that!
Lucky Dip... A nice looking white DVD case was pulled out of the pile... That one is mine! No one else had done a cover, just handed in discs! I knew it was mine, my name was called up and I semi-confidently walked down.
The menu came up, Simon pressed play and I sat down on the stairs at an acute angle so I could barely see the screen. The titles started and I began to feel confident as I watched people look intrigued, as of course, this was the first time any of the class had seen my work.
If no one had laughed, I would have been upset and disappointed. It is a Comedy film expressing my view on life and filmmaking, to be fun, imaginative and funny.
There it was, as I looked outside to the snow meaning I couldn't do my film anymore, the first laugh from the audience. I was happy. It happened again during the conversation with myself and my dad, then again when I went and filmed the dog. The laughs were getting bigger and I was starting to enjoy watching it as I was feeling good that i'd made people laugh. The film continued and as I could feel the audience reading "country town invaded by transvestites" then laughing I knew they'd like the next shot. The Tranny made everyone laugh even more, then even more as he eyed up my leg and again when my dad recognised him.
Next up was when I walked out of the bathroom in my swimming shorts and goggles, this got a great laugh, then again with my dad moving the camera out of the way. A slight wince/ laugh when I slipped over then a laugh when I revealed all the snow had gone, before a sarcastic 'happy' ending of credits 'Born with a Smile on my Face' by Stephanie de Sykes got the audience into a almighty roar then a lovely applause followed. I was so happy to see people appreciating me at University. After feeling nothing last year, to finally being recognised and appreciated by these filmmakers that previously knew nothing about me.
I walked on down, with a modest approach I stood up in front of everyone as Simon said "we've created a monster", still not quite sure what he meant by that but oh well. It didn't seem to receive the same comments as other films i'd watched, the general consensus was that people liked it. It was personal to me and everyone could see that. I wanted it to be 'fun and funny' and the audience and the lecturers agreed that I did what I set out to do.
After another round of applause I headed back up to my seat and sat down with a rather large smug grin on my face.
During the afternoon break, I found numerous people i'd never spoken to before coming up to me and saying how much they liked my film! They were saying it was really funny and how well put together it was, I really felt welcomed and happy that they'd taken the time to personally come up to me and comment on my film.
The film was not just about being a personal film. I used this opportunity of screening to the whole year as an advertisement. I knew everyone would be there, I knew they'd all be watching and I knew they'd all remember me if A. I plastered my name all over it, B. was in it so they'd remember my face and C. Make it Funny.
So I didn't just make it because I enjoyed it. I made it as a kind of Advert or Statement of Intent for people to see what i'm about and what I can offer.
I think, from the feedback i've gained, i've done that and hopefully now people will give me more of a chance.
Nice going, Darren. :)